
Kiss and Make-Up by Angie

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

Well, my aspiring trans-girls – make-up for beginners.  Firstly, I will not recommend any brands as I am not an influencer – who all lie through their teeth and would promote any old tat if given enough freebies!  Fatuous bimbos, the lot of them!!  Plus, you have to learn by making expensive...
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Out and about by Angie

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

Ok girls, let us assume you are transgender, in your head at least. Let us assume you have been through the process of buying totally the wrong things to wear. Wrong size, colour, style, shape – just wrong! It’s because you are doing it back to front. You must start with your...
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The Trans – Spectrum

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

What makes a person trans-gender? Science has no explanation. Psychology has no explanation. In all probability God, has no explanation. You would have to ask her! Personally, I don’t care about the WHY or the HOW or the WHAT. All I do know is – I AM! So, given my ignorance, what...
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Lucy SEO 0 Comments

 Nails. Nails, along with eyes and lips are symbols of femininity that woman and trans girls always try to get right. Long, smooth, slender fingers really need to have fabulous (RED!) nails to make you look and feel great. For years I have been buying loads and loads of bottles of nail...
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The ‘S’ Word by Angie

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  Well, dear reader, if you have followed me thus far, you will have noticed that I have avoided the thorny question of the ‘S’ word. No, not stilettos although I actually do have a problem with them. In fact, my therapist says I am probably a shoe fetishist.  That’s...
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With Halloween just around the corner, it’s time to get ready for the spookiest day of the year! We’re not just talking about decorations, candy and pumpkin carving, oh no… we’re talking about treating your-devilish-selves to something on the darker side, a sex toy that will have you quivering and shaking all...
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My Guilty Secret

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

I am not a psychiatrist, social worker, politician, religious leader, therapist or sex worker. I do know exactly what I am though! I am a deliriously happy trans-gender person. This was not always the case. Many years ago, in what seems like a parallel universe, far far away, I was a seriously...
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A Passing Fancy - Angie

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

Ok girls, lets assume you are fairly competent at dressing. Slim, good legs, makeup and hair not bad. So, what next? You decide you are ready for a joint in daylight amongst ‘normal’ people. Think you can pass as a woman? Forget it! You can’t! Something will give you away. Your height,...
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Transforming Public Opinion by Angie

Lucy SEO 0 Comments

DICLAIMER:  THE FOLLOWING IS JUST ONE TRANS-WOMAN’S OPINIION ABOUT WHAT IT IS TO BE TRANS.  OTHER OPINIONS ARE AVAILABLE – AND RIGHTLY SO! Many years ago, two words were commonly used to describe what I am.  Transvestite and cross-dresser.  These words are now frowned upon as they focused on what we do...
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